How Are You Taking Charge?

As a mom I felt like I couldn’t put myself first. I wouldn’t give myself permission and didn’t have the energy to take care of myself the way I wanted to, and then cancer came into my life so suddenly and it was like I was completely underwater. Everything got so heavy and so overwhelming…

People ask what I did to heal. My method focused on 7 principles, but the first included a clear shift where I went from spending all my time thinking about my possible death and preparing for that possibility, to thinking about the life I’d been gifted with, my big why, and letting it guide me.

My drive as a parent is intensely passionate and that part of me raged against the idea of cancer diagnosis and impending death. I made a choice to refuse cancer vehemently and embrace my life and love for my family tighter than ever with every fiber of my being.

It felt oddly defiant, and maybe even unrealistic to dis-identify with cancer after diagnosis, but I couldn’t let fear take over if I was going to focus on healing. I chose to deny cancer’s claim on me, starting with my thoughts. It took some work to shift my mindset, but I gradually came up from underwater as I got clear on what I believed to be true and let go of what I was told, not just about cancer, but about my body, and my ability to heal.

With the mental space to believe in a better possibility, one where I could survive…one where I absolutely would survive and even thrive, my outlook changed, and that was the beginning of bigger changes. All of the sudden hope and healing appeared on the horizon, they were there all along, I just had to push up for air to see what was possible…

My healing started with a possibility in my mind, and me believing that possibility could be real.

That possibility is yours too and you have the power to make healing happen.

Since cancer I’ve made it my personal mission to live vibrantly. For my family, for me and to help others who are struggling.

Want to know more about what has helped me? Feel free to reach out.

Love and Light,

Lorika Archibald