About Me
I’m over 10 years cancer free without chemo.
Here’s my story in a nutshell:
I suffered from chronic disease and mystery symptoms for over twenty years before being diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Hearing I had cancer felt like a death sentence. The terror was blinding and isolating.
After diagnosis I was rushed into major surgery and directed to get chemo. Doctor's tried to convince me, but I listened to my inner guidance and decided against chemo.
I believe saying “no” to chemo was one of the best decisions. From there I pursued a healing path based on mindset/beliefs, integrative nutrition, natural therapies, and other holistic approaches. It has been a multi-level self-healing experience, a quest to connect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of my health.
With time, my research and directing my own care and recovery equipped me with first-hand knowledge to share. I knew I could be of service to others going through the trauma of a diagnosis and wanted to help.
I obtained coaching certifications from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, International School of Detoxification, and CaPP Institute, studying various dietary theories, innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, regenerative cellular detoxification, mindset transformation, reiki energy healing and positive psychology.
Over several years I coached many people and enjoyed helping them in their hour of need to take charge and seek healing on their own terms. Due to family priorities I have since closed the The Healing Call as a business but am keeping this site and social media up, for those interested.
Through my healing experience I designed a holistic approach based on seven principles. I am currently developing a “resources” page for this site that will include many of the tools and information I have found helpful over the years.
Pease stay tuned as I plan to get back to blogging and providing more energy to this site as my personal commitments shift and I find the time.
I believe in your healing and am sending prayers your way,