Time and Tenacity

My Dad likes to say,

“Remember, time and tenacity are your biggest allies”

Those words have always resonated

But when I was diagnosed, they really spoke

Reminding me of what was possible

What I might be able to do

Alongside the fear of death, what felt like a death sentence

How would I up my game?

I didn’t know but I became more and more determined

Not to accept cancer as mine

Refusing to believe that anyone could predict my future

I started claiming healing in my heart, and then my mind

Envisioning it so big

I thought it couldn’t dare come true

Then it did…

Have you asked yourself what has to happen for you?

Is it a “clean” scan, normal blood markers, a certain amount of years past? Is it a feeling of health, energy or physical strength, with emotional or mental freedom? Is it allowing a spiritual transformation…?

Could it be all of those and so much more?

What would your life look like?

What would it mean to get there?

Where you impact your future

Imagine it already

Making Time your friend

Day by day

The choices you make

Working on yourself


Believing in your possibilities

Daring to Heal

Because you can.


Lorika Archibald